Medfuture expands its telemedicine offer

Medfuture expands its telemedicine offer

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Medfuture is now offering 6 new types of telemedicine medical consultations to expand its current offering.

Whether it is for a possible sinusitis, a urinary tract infection or a rash, the primary care telemedicine service is available to clients 14 years of age and older for most health conditions not requiring a physical examination. 



Why use telemedicine for a minor emergency?

A minor emergency is a health condition that needs to be managed within 24 to 48 hours (sinusitis, sting, urinary tract infection, flu, acute sore throat, etc.). For any life-threatening medical emergency such as a heart attack, stroke, or choking, seek emergency care immediately and call 911.



For many people with limited mobility or living in remote areas, the drive to the clinic can be arduous and exhausting. Save time and energy by accessing telemedicine services from the comfort of your home.


Your information remains private and secure, as telemedicine appointments are protected by PIPEDA.



Instead of going to the office with a potentially contagious illness, use telemedicine services to see a professional, screen for symptoms and get recommended medications or referrals, all without risking exposure to others.


Don't wait for your condition to deteriorate, telemedicine consultation allows you to communicate in real time with a member of our care team.

Some medical conditions require a physical examination (e.g., laceration, painful cyst, possible fracture, gynecological examination). In these situations, it is essential to consult a health care professional in person instead of consulting via telemedicine.




Get an appointment quickly! Make an appointment now to get a consultation as soon as possible.
