Télomères et vieillissement RSS

  • Part 2: The causes of aging - Telomere shortening

    Les causes du vieillissement Télomères et vieillissement

    Previously, we covered DNA degradation and its impact on aging. We will now address a second identified cause of aging,...

  • Part 5: Telomere therapies against aging

    Télomères et vieillissement

    Telomeres and aging: therapies Telomeres are regions of DNA found at each end of chromosomes. They are synthesized by an...

  • Part 4: Towards a metrology of aging based on telomeres.

    Télomères et vieillissement

    Measuring aging: Telomeres of physiological age witnesses Measuring telomere length is a very accurate tool for determining the physiological age...

  • Part 3: Central role of stem cells and telomeres during aging

    Télomères et vieillissement

    Stem cell exhaustion during aging With age, we observe a decrease in the number of stem cells in the body...

  • Part 2: The influence of telomerase on telomeres and aging

    Télomères et vieillissement

    The influence of telomerase on telomeres and aging Accelerated aging due to telomerase mutations Telomerase is the enzyme responsible for...

  • Introduction: The telomere, at the heart of the aging process

    Télomères et vieillissement

    What is a telomere? In the billions of cells that make up our body, DNA is present in the nucleus...

  • Part 1: Causes of telomere shortening and effects on aging

    Télomères et vieillissement

    Causes of telomere shortening and effects on aging Many studies highlight the fact that telomere shortening is a phenomenon associated...