Télomères et vieillissement RSS
Part 2: The causes of aging - Telo...
Previously, we covered DNA degradation and its impact on aging. We will now address a second identified cause of aging,...
Part 5: Telomere therapies against...
Telomeres and aging: therapies Telomeres are regions of DNA found at each end of chromosomes. They are synthesized by an...
Part 4: Towards a metrology of agi...
Measuring aging: Telomeres of physiological age witnesses Measuring telomere length is a very accurate tool for determining the physiological age...
Part 3: Central role of stem cells...
Stem cell exhaustion during aging With age, we observe a decrease in the number of stem cells in the body...
Part 2: The influence of telomeras...
The influence of telomerase on telomeres and aging Accelerated aging due to telomerase mutations Telomerase is the enzyme responsible for...
Introduction: The telomere, at the...
What is a telomere? In the billions of cells that make up our body, DNA is present in the nucleus...
Part 1: Causes of telomere shorten...
Causes of telomere shortening and effects on aging Many studies highlight the fact that telomere shortening is a phenomenon associated...